Category: News

  • DPS Peak List Updated



    The DPS List has been updated to reflect the recent removal of Cerro Pescadores. Since April 2018, Argus Peak, Maturango Peak, Navajo Mountain, and Cerro Pescadores have been delisted. Edgar Peak remains suspended. Click here to see the updated list (PDF).

  • 2020 DPS Annual Banquet – Postponed Indefinitely



    Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 DPS Banquet has been postponed indefinitely. In any case, we hope all are staying safe and healthy. Together we can help limit the spread of this disease that has been affecting so many of our lives. Previous announcement: Come join the Desert Peaks Section’s Annual Banquet on…

  • 2019 HPS Waterman Rendezvous



    Our fellow hiking section, the Hundred Peaks Section, is holding its annual Waterman Rendezvous on June 29th. If you are interested, please check out the HPS schedule:

  • Peak Guides Now Open To General Public

    Peak Guides Now Open To General Public



    Our peak guides (as contained in the Road and Peak Guide) are now available to the general public! Previously, they were only available for DPS members and subscribers. At its April 2019 meeting, DPS Management Committee decided it would be in the best interest of the Section to make this valuable resource freely accessible to…