What is the
Member Email Service and how
does it work?
The DPS Member Email Service
is a Sierra Club LISTSERV
maintained on
the Angeles Chapter
Website. This
service provides
a forum available
to Section members
and Desert Sage subscribers.
It allows Section
members to send
a single e-mail
to ALL members
subscribing to
the service.
All posts should be courteous,
polite and on
topics related
to climbing in
the desert areas of interest to the Section.
What can I use
the Member Email Service for?
members can use
the service to
solicit information
about and discuss
current climbing
and weather conditions
in the deserts of interest. Trip
leaders can use
the service to fill
vacancies on
DPS trips. Discussion
topics may also
address Section
and Sierra
Club outings
and practices.
The Management
Committee may
use the service
to disseminate
information of
interest to the
membership. Private
trips may be
posted as a service
to DPS members
and Desert Sage subscribers.
If you should
chose to participate
in an private
trip, you are
responsible for
evaluating whether
the trip leader
and any other
are safe,
responsible and
the the private
outing is suitable
for you. The
Section, the Angeles
Chapter and the
Sierra Club make
no representations about
the suitability
or appropriateness of
private trips
posted on the
I join if I am
not an DPS member
or Desert Sage subscriber?
The service
is open only to Section members
and Desert Sage subscribers. If you are not
a member or subscriber,
we encourage
you to join the Section.
select from the
following options
to carry out
the your desired
action for use
of the Section Email Service.
Subscribe to
the Angeles-Desert-Peaks-News
service. It is recommended
that the default
options on the Join
or Leave page
not be changed
when entering
your subscription.
Cancel subscription
to the Angeles-Desert-Peaks-News
Post a message to the Angeles-Desert-Peaks-News service.
Note: A posting
to this List Serv will send
your message
to all subscribers.
View the
archives for
the Angeles-Desert-Peaks-News
View terms and conditions for using the Angeles-Desert-Peaks-News