DPS Newsletter

JANUARY 1970 NO. 101

CHAIRMAN'S CORNER About thirteen years ago, the DPS Newsletter noted that the lack of success in getting out newsletters was no indication of lack of section activity. This issue shows that to be true today, even with a few spring '69 writeups missing.

Production of the Newsletter is a time-consuming job. While many may grumble about not receiving more issues, few will undertake the job as editor. In part, this is understandable because of the lack of access to facilities for typing, mimeographing, collation, addressing, mailing, and the other services necessary for publication. DPS members have become fat and lazy in the sense that they receive the Newsletter without real effort on their part. Few will even take the time to submit items of interest to the editor over and beyond the writeups of scheduled trips.

Neko Colevins volunteered on Bob Greenawalt's retirement, as editor, but has found insufficient tine to continue as such. Until June 1st when the new management committee takes office, your Chairman will be editor of the newsletter. All material should be sent to me for publication in forthcoming issues.

The Newsletter is not a production of the management committee or the editor, but of the Desert Peaks Section. The section has functioned for about 28 years and the News1etter has been issued for about 20 years. Both deserve the full support of the membership and those who would like to assist me in any way should get in touch with me. Material submitted should be typewritten, double-spaced, or at least very legibly printed where there is no access to a typewriter. Any material relevant to the Section's purposes should be submitted to the editor for his consideration.
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