Since subscription to the Newsletter is the only requirement for maintaining membership in the DPS (there are no dues and there may be none per the bylaws), a healthy Newsletter is of prime importance to the section. The Sierra Club is requiring all sections to use the period of October 1-September 30 for accounting purposes and submission of financial statements. Since the DPS season begins about, October 1, I believe our membership period should be the same as the accounting period. Norma11y the first Newsletter of the new season will be (should be) published during October and this will be a good time to send the Newsletter to all members for the previous period to remind them to renew their subscription -- and membership. NO DOLLAR- NO NEWSLETTER. Where membership is applied for after July 1, subscription to the Newsletter should apply through September of the following year.

In the past, the Newsletter subscription was renewable on January 1. Because recent issues of the Newsletter failed to mention the necessity of renewal of subscription, because there have not been many issues during the past year, and because the DPS is financially healthy, it seems equitable that subscriptions renewed since January of 1969 continue through September, 1970. However, if there is an asterisk by your name on the address label of this issue, it means section records indicate your subscription expired on or before January of l969. A dollar mailed in now to Eric Schumacher, Secretary-Treasurer, 12030 Washington Blvd. Los Angeles 90066, will carry you through September 30, 1970.


DPS Bylaws provide that at the regular meeting in February, members shall select from the membership a minimum of five nominees for the Management Committee of the Section. Nominations will be made from the floor at the meeting. Anyone who is interested in being nominated should let that be known to members of the current committee or other members of the section. It is preferable that any nomination be cleared with the nominee. Within two weeks of the nominations, ballots will be mailed out to be returned before the April meeting (consisting of the Annual Banquet). The new management committee will be announced at the banquet and will take office on June 1.
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