Management Committee and Bylaws

Elected Positions

To contact the DPS Management Team, please send an email to:

Chair: Kathy Rich

Vice-Chair/Outings/Safety: Mat Kelliher

Secretary: Catherine Rossbach

Programs/Banquet: Jim Fleming

Fifth Officer/Outreach: Sandy Lara

Appointed Positions

To contact the individuals below, please send an email to:

Archives: Barbara Reber

Conservation: Dave Perkins

Guidebook Editor: Mark Butksi

Membership: Ron Bartell

Treasurer: Phil S Bates

Merchandising: vacant

Newsletter Editor: Gary Schenk

Newsletter Mailer: Keith Christensen

Mountain Records (Registers): Mark Butski

Mountaineering Committee: Mat Kelliher (Chair), Daryn Dodge, and Ron Bartell

Webmaster: Kathy Rich (acting)


Please direct questions or inquiries about the Desert Peaks Section to the appropriate contact in the above list. If this fails, please direct your inquiry to one of the elected officials as they meet on a periodic basis and can pass your inquiry on to the appropriate person.

Inquiries about the operations of this web site and broken link reports should be sent to the Desert Peaks Webmaster (email: