Our Newsletter
The Desert Sage
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Subscribe to the Desert Sage
The Desert Sage is published four times a year as the Section’s official newsletter by the Desert Peaks Section of the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club. Anyone can subscribe to the Sage, including those who are not members of the Section or the Sierra Club, by sending $10 for a one year subscription to the DPS Membership Chair, 1556 21st Street, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266. Make check payable to The Desert Peaks Section. We also accept Zelle or PayPal at desertpeakstreasurer@gmail.com.
Beginning in 2018, the DPS would like to welcome new members and subscribers (who don’t yet meet the criteria for membership) with a year’s free subscription to The Desert Sage. New members as well as new subscribers should send the membership application form to the Membership Chair, Ron Bartell by email (desertpeakssection@gmail.com) or by mail. Download the Desert Sage Newsletter Subscription Form. Although the Sage is available to all on the website, members and subscribers receive an email with a link as soon as a new issue is published.
Back Issues of the Desert Sage
Back issues of the Desert Sage from issue 294, Nov – Dec 2004, and onward are available on this website for viewing and downloading in the Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format.
Access the Desert Sage newsletter archive.
Note: Issue 341, Sept – Oct 2012 and issue 342, Nov – Dec 2012 have been combined, printed and distributed as a double issue.
The first 293 issues of the Section Newsletter are available on compact disk in the HTML format. This disk also includes many photographs from the early days of the Section. Over 7,500 pages and over 6,600 images with nearly 1,300 quality photographs of members are contained on the compact disk. It is available for $15.00, postage and handling included. Please send an email to desertpeakssection@gmail.com if you would like to place an order. In addition to checks by mail, we also accept Zelle or PayPal at desertpeakstreasurer@gmail.com. Proceeds from the sale of merchandise are used for the operating expenses of the Section.
Submission of Material and Articles
We welcome all articles, photographs and letters pertaining to outdoor activities of interest to DPS members. If you are a participant and know that the leaders are not going to submit a trip report, then feel free to submit one. Some submissions may be too long and space limitations and other considerations are factors in the decision to publish a submission. The editor may modify submissions in an attempt to increase clarity, decrease length, or correct typos but will hopefully not modify your meaning. Please note that digital documents and photographs are required for submissions to the Sage. Trip reports should include trip dates and photos should indicate when and where the photo was taken, what it is of, who is in it, and who took it. Please email or snail mail Sage submissions to the editor:
Gary Schenk, DPS Sage Editor
169 N Lima St, Sierra Madre, CA 91024