Section 2. Voting. Only members of the Section shall have a right to vote at membership meetings. This includes members from any other Chapter of the Sierra Club provided they are present at the meeting.

Section 3. Qualifications for office. No Section members may hold the same office for more than one term, or for an unexpired term and one term, during a five year period.

Section 4. Honorary Members. Any member of the Sierra Club who has performed outstanding service for the Section, and who is otherwise unable to qualify for membership under Section 1 of this Article, may become and Honorary Member of the Section by a majority vote of all ballots cast at an Annual Meeting of the membership. Honorary Members shall not be entitled to hold office or to vote.



Section 1. A regular meeting shall be held in February of each year. At this meeting, members of the Section shall select from the membership a minimum of five nominations for the management committee of the Section. These names shall be placed on a ballot and mailed to all members of the Section, who are entitled to vote, within two weeks. Complete ballots must be reviewed by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Section by the April meeting. Then they will be counted by an election committee and the five nominees with the highest number of votes shall constitute the new Management Committee. They shall meet within two weeks and select from their number the following officers: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary-Treasurer, and two Members-at-Large. They shall take office June 1st as the Management Committee and supervise the affairs of the Section for the ensuing year.

Section 2. Business meetings of the members of the Section shall be held when called by the Chairman. upon the written request of ten percent of the listed membership, the Chairman shall call such a meeting within thirty days of the receipt of the request.

Section 3. Ten percent of the listed membership shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at the annual and other business meetings of the membership of the Section. A majority of the votes cast shall be required for the transaction of business.

Section 4. Notice of meetings of the membership of the Section shall be given in writing to the members by the Secretary-Treasurer, or other officer of the Section, at least two weeks prior to the date of such meeting.
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