OCTOBER 6 Business Meeting-
The fall business meeting held earlier this month at the Echo Park Playground Clubhouse was most successful and well-attended. About 30 persons were present and all took part in the discussions. Highlights were:
New Qualifying Desert Peaks:
     MARBLE MTN(4,313') San Bernardino County
     TURTLE MTN(3,900') San Bernardino County
     JACUMBA MTN(4,512') San Diego County
These were all voted in as a result of the June '65 Newsletter ballots.

Death Valley Encampment Event:
It was voted to ask permission to participate in the future Death Valley Encampments. This request will be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Death Valley 49'ers, sponsors of the Annual Encampments. The DPS wishes to lead one of the many events scheduled over the 4-day Veteran's Day weekend each year. We wish to add a new event in the 1966(too late for '55) Encampment in the form of an organized trek to the most obvious peak overlooking Death Valley, our old favorite, Telescope Peak. At least two DPS leaders will take the group to the summit for an all-day affair, most likely on Saturday. Preliminary talks with Encampment officials indicate their interest is most favorable. This will give fine publicity to our Section as well as creating a Sierra Club image to the masses that attend these annual camping events. We generally feel that the number of taker's for our hike will not exceed the parking areas on Mahogany Flat, however it should be a wonderful outing for all, especially those persons not connected in any way with the Sierra Club. We are trying to get this idea in mind as an Annual Telescope Peak Trek, and look forward to its fulfillment.
The Death Valley 49'ers is a non-profit organization here in town who endeavor to perpetuate the advancement of Death Valley History, travel, and enjoyment. (One of their Directors is G. Henry Stetson, son of the famous sombrero maker.)

Annual Banquet:
Neko Colevins will head up the Annual Banquet and the date has been set for Thursday, March 31 of next year.

New Schedule:
All DPS events through June of 1966 have been discussed and will appear in the Mar-June 66 Sierra Club Schedule # 181.

ACCIDENTS- (From Legal Committee of Sierra Club)
Word received from SC HQ, 1050 Mills Tower relates Sierra Club Accidents on scheduled, trips. These are to be reported on appropriate forms held by the DPS Secretary. The purposes of the form are: (1) to make information available to those who need it, (2) to provide a checklist in case of emergencies where outside help is needed. and (3) to render analysis of an accident to protect the club, club officers, and trip leaders in case of a lawsuit.
Let's hope we don't have to use them, but remember it is a duty to report such accidents.

Our Chapter up north has invited any of our Section to join them on the Nov 6-7 weekend for a climb of two qualifying Desert Peaks. Waucoba Mtn and New York Butte, both in the Inyo Range of Eastern California. Lug soles are required. Contact John Peckham 8050 So. Land Park Drive, Sacramento (421-9452) for details. A good chance to pick up these two rather strenuous ones during fall weather.
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