DPS Newsletter

At the annual meeting of the Desert Peaks Section it was voted that a peak in the Sierra Nevada be named after Chester Versteeg, founder of the Section. The peak selected is Peak 13,470', lying west of Lake Helen of Troy and slightly south of Mt. Tyndall. Preliminary contact has been made with the Forest Service at Three Rivers and eventual approval is hoped for.

Recently I sponsored a young teacher and her doctor husband for the Sierra Club. They give promise of becoming very active mountaineers. Recently they attended a Sierra Club meeting whose sponsorship shall be unnamed. Their reaction was this: The people were so unfriendly! And isn't this often true? We are so busy talking with old climbing friends, discussing past and future death marches that the newcomer mast often wonder how to break into this seemingly self-contained group. I am sure we have all been guilty of this and should be more conscious of the problem in the future.

With this 77th Newsletter John Robinson completes his three and a half years as editor. Anyone who has collected copy, reminded chairmen to get in their columns, typed dittos, folded and stuffed envelopes has an idea how much work has gone into 19 issues of a newsletter of the size, comprehensiveness and quality of ours. John, we want to thank you for this fine job. The Newsletter has been a tremendous stimulus to interest in and vitality of the Section.


With the newly-elected Management Committee, the Desert Peaks Section dives into its 23rd year of operation in the Angeles Chapter. We are looking forward to a great year of desert exploration. Probably our greatest asset to the Section has been the Newsletter, so ably carried on by Editor John Robinson. It was, with regret, that we were recently informed that John is resigning after three and a half years of devoted work. He is current1y engaged in other Sierra Club work. We thank you, John, for a job very well done. Now another editor must be found.
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