CHAIRMAN'S COLUMN         Trudie Hunt

At the last business meeting the D.P.S. voted an additional $10.00 for the Desert protection Concil, the only group concerned solely with conservation in the desert Areas.
Another group you may not be acquainted with, which is desert-centered, is the Eastern California Museum which is located in the County Courthouse in Independence. Their exhibits include historical photographs, Indian artifacts, Gold Rush curios, minerals, etc. A visit will enhance your enjoyment of desert travel, especially to sites of historical interest. A dollar will bring you twelve newsletters, which tell, among other things, of their monthly trips. Recent ones have been to Pleasant Canyon in the Panamints and Fossil Falls, a 4000 year old Pinto Indian site which we have all rushed by near Little Lake. The Museum director, Dorothy Cragen, is extremely helpful in providing information and sources about the desert areas.

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ANNUAL BANQUET ATTRACTS 75           Ron Jones

The annual Desert peaks Section banquet, held the evening of April 1 at Rudi's Italian Inn in Los Angeles, attracted and enthusiastic turn-out of about 75 persons, the largest ever. The steak dinner was well received. Last year's speaker, Howard Gulick, author of the Lower California Guidebook, was introduced, as were two members of the Club Board of Directors - George Marshall and Randal Dickey Jr. The newly-elected DPS Management Committee was Presented.
Dr. Richard Logan of UCLA gave an interesting talk concerning man in the Mojave Desert, illustrated with many fine slides. His emphasis was on the eastern Mojave country and the impact of people on the land, from aborigine to present day. Dr. Logan gave semi-favorable approval of Government desert military reservations which provided food for thought. He said that this government land is at least being withheld from real estate development and that perhaps in the future these large areas of relatively unspoiled desert land will be restored to the people.
An enthusiastic vote of thanks is extended to Neko Colevins, who planned and arranged the feast and program.

Last month's Section election resulted in the following five members becoming the 1964-65 DPS Management Committee. They will meet soon to decide their respective offices: ARKEL ERB, GENE GAIL, ROBERT GREENAWALT, JOHN ROBINSON, ANDREW SMATKO.
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