DPS Newsletter

CHAIRMAN'S COLUMN        Trudie Hunt

With the approach of winter in the Sierra Nevada, our vibrams turn instinctively toward the more friendly desert ranges. DPS members under Abe Siemen's direction have arranged a busy fall and winter schedule. Let's see many old timers on these trips, bringing with them newcomers who have not yet discovered the variety and beauty of the desert. Every time I see Ralph Merten I am reminded with embarrassment his urging us to come on a DPS trip and my rejoinder, "I'll never climb a desert peak!" But give it a chance and the desert becomes habit forming.

One of the more interesting ranges to which we have returned many times is the Providence Mountains north of Amboy. From the peak, which is an interesting scramble, is an unobstructed view of the vast Kelso sand dunes- many volcanic cones in the lava beds, and the slender line of the Union Pacific stretching through an unspoiled desert. We have chartered a bus for the weekend of October 18-20 so that we can save our strength for the many things to be seen in Mitchell Cavern State Perk. You'll have a choice of climbing Fountain Peak under the Leadership of Bob Bear (This is a joint trip with the Riverside Chapter), climbing Providence Mountain, a DPS qualifying peak, and/or exploring the caverns. Non-climbers will find plenty of interest. Hurry and get in your bus reservations. See page 74 of the current Angeles Chapter schedule for details.


November 7, 7:30 p.m. at Angeles Chapter Headquarters. The March-June schedule will be planned at this meeting. Plan to attend with suggestions for good trips. Bring ten (or more) of your best recent desert slides.

THE WILDERNESS BILL needs the help of its friends. Congressman Wayne Aspinall (Colorado) continues to bottle up a good Wilderness Bill in the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. The bill as approved by the Senate will remain in the House Committee until a sufficiently large number of citizens urge that it be brought out of Committee for a vote by the full House of Representatives. Such efforts must be made now or it will once again be too late. -Sierra Club Council Editorial Committee


Published bi-monthly by the Desert Peaks Section, Angeles Chapter, Sierra Club. Subscriptions: Send one dollar to Hugh Parshall, Sec.-Treas. of the DPS. 627 Valencia Mesa Drive, Fullerton, California.
Editor: John W. Robinson, 418 E, 20th St., Costa Mesa, California. Deadline for December issue: December 1, 1963.
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