means great variety of abilities, this can be a real problem. A great deal of judgment by the leaders is necessary with a large heterogeneous group - Should camp be where it was planned to be or back where someone pooped out? Should the entire party be kept together or divided into ability groups? What should be done if a planned water source is dry? What If the weather turns threatening? How should a medical emergency be handled? Even with careful planning, unforeseen things can and do happen, calling for on-the-spot decisions. This decision-making inherent to leadership can by rather wearing on the emotions.
Getting his party safely back to the roadhead doesn't end the leaders' responsibilities. He must make sure all cars get at least to a main traveled highway. A large portion of desert trips involve some travelling on very poor roads.
CartoonArriving home, the leader(s) must complete a trip report for the chapter, a write-up for the Newsletter, and a short article for the chapter periodical.
I have painted a rather thankless picture of the trials and tribulations of trip leadership. This job does call for a lot more work and sometimes more headaches than many people realize. However, most trip leaders are more than willing to do this rather thankless job, not once, but many times. Why? The answer to this comes from within the leader - the innate enjoyment of sharing with others the emotions and joys of a wilderness experience; The satisfaction of having introduced a neophyte to a seldom visited primeval area.
The purpose of this dissertation is to help all of us realize the respect and thanks we owe trip leaders - thanks that occasionally have been slow in coming. Participants should realize the hours of planning that go into the outings they enjoy, and that the acceptance of some loss of freedom during a group wilderness experience is necessary to insure success for all.

* * * *


    Helen Siemens
    53O5 Lindley Ave., Tarzana

    Elizabeth Anderson
    1078 Richmond, China Lake

    Ernie Spiehler
    12026 Imperial Hywy, Apt.#11, Norwalk

This is great! in this category (new memberships), women outnumber men 2 to 1 ! Our section is improving. Let's hope the trend continues.
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