DPS Newsletter

CHAIRMAN'S COLUMN         Harry Melts

This is my last Chairman's Column. The next issue will see a new writer in my place. Our annual business meeting will take place December 14th where a slate of new officers will be elected. At the October meeting the nominations were made and the names of the nominees are listed elsewhere in this Newsletter. Additional nominations are also possible from the floor at the annual meeting.
The December 14th meeting will see a milestone in DPS history: the approval of the new by-laws. The proposed by-laws got a thorough airing at our last business meeting and are attached in their final modified form to this issue.
Looking back to the past DPS activity year I think some real progress has been made: We have come out with a regularly appearing Newsletter which in turn made it possible to compile and active membership list; We have prepared a new set of by-laws; A start has been made to activate the committee system; and a number of new and interesting qualifying peaks have been added. I would like to thank all members for their help and participation with special thanks to two: Trudie Hunt and John Robinson. I hope to see most of you at our annual meeting.


The Angeles Chapter schedule lists the annual DPS meeting on Wed., December 6th. This date has been changed to Thursday, December 14th so as not to conflict with the SPS Banquet. Please note this change on your calendar and plan to attend this important meeting at club headquarters on the new date. Time is 7:30 pm as usual.
The main issues on the agenda are approval of the revised by-laws and election of 1962 officers.


Trudie Hunt has reserved the Dinnerhorn Restaurant in Covina for the DPS Banquet on Wednesday evening, March 28. There has been a lapse of several years since the last such get-together, but we're planning it as an annual event from now on. The program is being planned; Those with ideas should contact Trudie.
Mark this event on your calendar; A good turn-out will insure an annual scheduling.
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