Desert Peaks Section

Sierra Club

Number 61
June l961

Chairman's Column by Harry Melts

Our bylaws are archaic. Criticism has been leveled at these present out-dated regulations by several members. In order to provide a realistic, revised and/or new set of bylaws for the DPS I have appointed Trudie Hunt as chairman of the By-Law Overhaul Committee. Anyone having ideas and opinions in reference to the bylaws please contact her.

A suggestion: Any member who has or will explore a scenic nature area in Mexico should bring it to the attention of the readers via the Newwletter. Information of this type is difficult to get by, especially about the directions and approach roads. Enough of our members do visit Mexico. In order to practice what I preach I have described in this Newsletter a visit to one of the seven national parks of Mexico I recently viewed.

Synopsis Of D.P.S. Business Meeting, June 7, 1961 by Monroe Levy

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Marry Melts at 7:35 p.m. There were 16 members present.
Alden Serbo discussed the Fall Schedule (Oct. '61-Jan.'62) in the absence of schedu1e chairman John Robinson. (Ed. note: See elsewhere in Newsletter.)
Three potential DPS Qualifying Peaks were voted upon after being discussed. Granite Pk. #2 and Coso Pk. were approved. Pinnacate Pk. in Sonora, Mexico was turned down. The DPS now has 54 Qualifying Peaks.
The Desert Peaks Guide was discussed by Walt Wheelock. The Sierra Club Publications Committee has approved the guide but feels it should be checked on routes and safety matters.
Trudie Hunt, Chairman of the By-Laws Revision Committee, discussed the prescent by-laws, terming them out of date and contradictory. Alden Serbo moved that the committee revise the by-laws; revised by-laws be published in the news1ettcr, and said by-laws be voted upon at the DPS October Business Meeting. The notion was voted upon and approved.
Trudie Hunt discussed social matters. After discussion it was moved by Andy Smatko that the DPS have an annual dinner meeting in the Spring of each year. This was voted upon and approved.
Bob Bear spoke on the Bureau of Land Management's decision to sell Desert Land under their jurisdiction to State and County governments for recreational purposes. Areas to be investigated as potential State and
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