to the editor as soon as possible after the event. Non-scheduled route write-ups, cartoons appropriate to desert climbing, and maps will be appreciated. The next deadline is April 1st. Any suggestions to make the paper more to your liking will certainly be considered. This is your paper; Let's hear what you want in it.

by Dorothy Cutler (acting as Secretary)

The annual meeting of the Desert Peaks Section was held at Harwood Lodge the weekend of November 19-20. There were 15 in attendance, of whom six were Desert Peakers.

After a delicious dinner prepared by Flo Peterman of the Harwood Lodge Committee, the meeting was called to order by Chairman Walt Wheelock at 8:15 p.m. Tom and Trudie Hunt, Walt Wheelock, John Robinson, Parker Severson and Dorothy Cutler were in attendance. The minutes of the October 18 meeting were read and approved.

John Robinson read a Letter from Vice-Chairman Harry Melts, who was unable to be present, recommending five peaks-- Old Woman Mtn., Palen Mtn., Orocopia Pk., Pinto Mtn., and Turtle Mtn--be considered for addition to the qualifying peak list at the next meeting, after they have been officially scheduled. Old Woman Mtn. was voted upon and added to the list, and the others, which will be scheduled in the meantime, will be considered at the next meeting.

The criteria for adding peaks to the Desert Peaks List, were discussed. It was voted that the matter be submitted to the Mountaineering Committee, which shall prepare a list of criteria to be submitted to the membership.

The first section of the Desert Peaks Guide is about ready to submit to San Francisco. It was agreed that it should first be presented to the club, but that, if there is too much difficulty in getting it approved, La Siesta Press should publish it.

Summit register containers and notebooks were discussed. The Mountaineering Committee is to take positive action to see that leaders are equipped with and carry them. This is to be circulated in the newsletter. It was stated that 30-caliber ammunition boxes and engineers' field books are most suitable.

It was voted that a DPS Newsletter be issued within a reasonable time after each meeting, with the responsibility resting upon the shoulders of the chairman, although he may delegate it if he wishes.

It was voted that the DPS annual meeting be held at Harwood again next year, but that the meeting be widely publicized, with write-ups in the schedule by both the DPS and Harwood.

Election of officers was held, and the following were elected to serve during the year 1961: Chairman, Harry Melts; Vice-Chairman, John Robinson; Secretary-Treasurer, Monroe Levy; Member-at-Large, Walt Wheelock.
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