Volunteers Wanted

The California Department of Fish & Game, The Forest Service, BLM and Society for the Conservation of Bighorn Sheep depend on volunteers to assist in many projects. If you would like to work for any of these exciting programs, please call Dick Contii at 213-256-0463. Tell him which projects you are interested in and about two weeks before the project he will mail you a letter and map outlining the where, when and how. Most bighorn habitat is on BLM land and they provide biologists, money, material & some manpower. The Forest Service provides biologists & campsites for the San Gabriel census.

Feb 12

Mar 12-13
Mar 19-20
Apr 9
Apr 30
May 21
June 11
July 1-4
Construct a new big game guzzler (BGG) in the Sheephole Mtns to collect & store
water and provide drinking devices
Bighorn sheep census in San Gabriel Mtns
San Gabriel census back up date
Replace water storage tanks at various BGG
Rebuild Guadalupe BGG in Santa Rosa Mtns
Rebuild Toro BOG in Santa Rosa Mtns
Camp Cady Wildlife area, tamarisk removal etc.
Silver Anniversary Desert Wildlife Survey

Argus Bighorn Sheep Survey
A Department of Fish & Game helicopter survey for bighorn sheep in the Argus Range (Argus-Maturango Pks) was conducted on September 13-14, 1993. Approximately 4-3/4 hours of rotor time were spent in the survey. The survey did not include the area including Argus Peak, Homewood, Crow or Wilson Canyons. This range was last surveyed for bighorn sheep in February 1989. Only 4 sheep were observed at that time. In September 1986, 28 sheep captured from Old Dad Pk were released into Knight Canyon. All were fitted with marking collars but not radio-telemetry collars due to possible electronic interference with activities at China Lake Navel Weapons Station.
A total of 23 sheep were observed in nine different groups. All were found between 3,000 and 5,600
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