Pleasant Point
List Finishers: Mary Sue Miller, Edna Erspamer, George Hubbard, Doug Mantle, Vi Grasso, Duane McRuer, Bob Hicks, Bill T. Russell. Details inside
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Jan 7: The DPS continues with two members on the Angeles Chapter ExComm with Chuck Stein and Bill Oliver serving from last year's committee. Wynne Benti Zdon was elected in the November '92 vote but regretfully resigned for personal reasons as did Laurie Fathe, Newly elected ExComm members include desert activist Jim Dodson, Joan Jones Holtz, Tom Armbruster & Bonnie Sharp.
This year only 1,008 valid ballots were received (1.8% of the membership), down from 3,947 ballots returned (6%) in the previous election of 1991.
It is my observation that over the years we have a small percentage of member participation in Chapter business. --RJ
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