Wendy Ruess, a good friend of mine, and yours, passed away suddenly on Thursday, June 25, 1992. She was preparing for a dinner party for friends when suddenly her splitting headache returned, giving her only a brief moment to instruct John who to call. She fainted into a coma, and without pain, later left her family and friends.
I will always, always remember Wendy with a beautiful smile, kind words to say, and a camera taking pictures of our good times. She loved the out of doors, and because of that love, our paths thankfully met several years ago. My memories from both social events and several DPS trips include both John & Wendy. She always gave me a warm feeling whenever we had the opportunity to be together.
Wendy was Treasurer for the DPS Management Committee. She had a gift in both selling and marketing. She would proudly display her DPS items for sale and on a recent outing, got first place for marketing her chili which she had been preparing for 10 hours. With only 5 peaks to go, she was soon to be a DPS List Finisher. She and John were to leave the following day to close in on those remote Nevada peaks in preparation for their joint finish on Chuckwalla. She was also a loving sister who was, among other things, preparing a broccoli recipe book for her two health conscious brothers. The list is long of what all she meant to her loved ones. She will never be forgotten.
I'm sure that wherever Wendy is now, she is enjoying herself and her surroundings, just as she did here with us. Her passing, painfully reminds me of just how tenuous our lives really are.
Goodbye for now Wendy, I miss you.Leora --Leora Jones

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