With great sadness and sorrow we announce the death of our friend WENDY RUESS. She died on 25 June 1992, from an aneurism in the brain.

I remember Wendy on her first Desert Peaks trip. A small, pretty woman, with Bostonian manners. We thought that she would have trouble keeping up, and that John would have his hands full. Little did we know that she was stronger than most of us. On our ascent of Snow Creek, J and I could hardly keep her in sight, and she would stop to wait for us. John, of course was a half a hour ahead of us. Wendy was a mountaineer, she had many tough peaks behind her. Last year she climbed Mt. Raineer under extreme and dangerous conditions. She did not have a problem. She was planning to finish the Desert Peaks List this year. Now John will have to do it for her.

If there ever were opposites, Wendy and John were the ones. Wendy so proper, organized, and orderly, John - well we know him. It was a successful marriage. She took good care of John, as John took good care of her. They were a wonderful, loving, and caring couple.

Wendy loved the desert, and wanted to contribute to it. She served on the Desert Peaks Management Committee for two years, was enrolled in leadership training, and participated in many activities besides peak bagging.

Wendy's death is a great personal loss to all her friends and also to the Desert Peaks Section. Our prayers and condolences go to John and his daughter Allison.
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