• If diamonds are a girl's best friend, then pearls must be a man's best friend according to George Hubbard. George's contract has been extended in Livermore.... and with these extensions, George may live-there-ever-more. George, we L.A. girls miss you!
  • Patty Kline and Bob Hartunian spent 4 days doing peaks in the Death Valley Ranges over New Year's during the Arctic freeze. It was so cold that 2 of the nights they spent in the largest motel in Pahrump. The motel wasn't ready for the cold either because the well froze and nobody had any water in the morning. There was even ice at midday inside the building at Tecopa Hot Springs.
  • To produce two manuscripts at the same time, Walt Wheelock has been busy. The Death Valley 49'ers got in a jam, when the designated author for 1991 keepsake said he would need at least another year to get his copy out. Walt volunteered to do one on DEATH VALLEY BIGHORNS, and got it done in less than 30 days. Now to herd it through the press. Then he went back to work on his own KERN COUNTY OHV TRAILS, which he hopes to have out in the spring. It will be different than Roger Mitchell's Jeep Trails books, in that whenever the OHV route passes near a 100 or Desert peaks summit, he will include climbing instruction.
  • Joe McCosker is continuing to recover from knee surgery. He is now able to enjoy short walks to the lighthouse. Get well Joe! o Wedding Bells? A new man? Tell us Mary McMannes, who is your new beau named Gary that you brought to the party???
  • A new brochure of important climber information for Joshua Tree National Monument was picked up on a January '91 trip. The large, classy brochure was designed by Patagonia, Inc. and is funded by the AAC Access Fund and grants from Sport Chalet and Adventure 16.
YOUR SAGE NEEDS YOUR SCOOPS!! Send in any news about your new 4WD, an anniversary, birthday, or any EVENT! News should be received before March 1 by Mary McMannes, 6955 Kester #305 Van Nuys 91405 or by Leora Jones
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