Editor, Desert Sage: 11-18-90

I think SCOOPS DU JOUR is FABULOUS!' It's fun and updates those of us in our extended peak-bagging family, who don't attend all meetings. Every Sage is now like a Christmas Letter! I'm sad that a few people don't approve of SCOOPS DU JOUR. Their sensitivities, of course, should be respected; never mention THEM. I pray that those few detractars shall find more joy in This Life.

DaleKeep it up! - Dale Van Dalsem

CC: Merry Mac

I would like to second the nomination of Mt. Moriah to be added to the DPS List. Vicky Hoover gave a very good description and a number of reason. for adding it to the List. I would like to add just a couple of things. Mt. Moriah at 12,064' is the only peak in Nevada (other than satellites of Mt. Wheeler) that is between 12 and 13 thousand feet. This fact, together with being in a clearly separated part of the Snake Range from Mt. Wheeler, adds to its worthiness as a peak that should be added to the List. There are also a number of other worthy desert peaks in central and eastern Nevada that might well be added to the List but I'll leave that for another time.
Dennis Burge
Dennis Burge  

Dear Ron

After sealing my letter, read Was Shebeirg's letter on Trail Canyon. No, there is no definitive answer on Trail Canyon. Talked with Ed Rothfuss, superintendant of DVNM, last month about Trail Canyon. It is officially closed, but a debate is going on about what to about it. There are those who want it closed because there are a couple of endangered weeds along the trail. They will probably open it as a one-way route when they get around to it. Ed and I had quite a discussion about which way to open it. He was in favor of making it one-way downhill, because that is an easier route. I was in favor of opening as an up-hill route. Because if you were going uphill and got stuck, you should be able to get out. If you were stuck going down, you might become a big piece of litter.

Will be talking with Super. Ed in three weeks and will attempt to get the latest dope on Trail Canyon.
Walt W

6 December 1990


Attached is a news item for the Desert Sage's Scoops du Jour section.

Responding to your query in the last Sage, I'd have to say that Scoops does make for some interesting reading and does not seem to be printing trashy material. I would like to see it continued in future editions.

Dave Jurasevich

Dear Ron, You've done wonders in jazzing up the old Desert Sage. in the past I had the distinct feeling that someone was just pasting up a conglomerate of desert related articles. Now it has a personality of its' own.

Keep up the good work!!! Best Regards

Bill Bradley
Bill Bradley
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