Minutes (unapproved) of the DFS Banquet May 7, 1986 at the Villa Basque Restaurant

The banquet was called to order by Maris Valkass, complete with crown. He recalled a year of many facets: the untimely passing of our friend John Leonard, the insurance crisis which prevents the leading of 4th class peaks, the list finishing achievements of Gene Olsen, Delores Holliday, Campy, and Dale Van Dalsem. We had 7 new emblem holders, 53 new members, for a total of 175 this year. New or provisional leaders mentioned were Igor Mamedalin, Susan Thomas, Don Weiss, John Orange, and Judy Ware. 3 members received awards at the Angeles Chapter Banquet: Ron Jones, Art Blauvelt, and Edna Erspamer. 3 peaks were added to the list, none deleted. The new list finishing pin was adopted. 10 people from the San Diego area are active in the section, Louise Werner, 83 years young, one of our earliest members, was present at the banquet. Our First Annual Photo Contest was won by Frank Dobos.

All prizes were unsolicited this year and the recipients could choose what they liked. Lucky winners:

Vi Grasso
Barbara Lilley
Susan Hanna
Gene Olsen
Edna Erspamer
Jay Holshuh
Anna Valkass
Dave Dykeman
Nancy Gordon
Survival Knife
Mountain High
Mountain High
Edna Erspamer
Mountain High
Bob Cates
Bob Cates
Bob Cates
Bob Cates
Bob Cates

Randy Bernard gave a short speech about his sprained ankle and then Maris introduced Sherry Harsh who presented him with a past chairman pin. Sherry then presented the new committee:

Vice Chair/Outings

Randy Bernard
Jay Holshuh
Karen Leonard
Edna Erspamer
Council Rep
Sage Editor
Sage Associate Ed.
Master List
Maris Valkass
Barbara Reber
Barbara Reber
Bob Michael
Gerry Holleman
Mountaineering Committee: Gene Olsen, Gordon MacLeod

Sherry thanked Betty McCosker for the decorations; Edna, Campy and Bob for the donations. As goals for the coming years she suggested better trip scheduling, more leaders, more trips, more input from the members. Mary Sue Miller announced an upcoming program about the Norweigan climb of Everest. Bob Kanne told us about the desert becoming wilderness and reminded us that we could make a difference. The program entitled "Peaks Beyond The List" was presented by Bob Michael.

Respectfully submitted: Edna Erspamer
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