Luminaria's Restaurant
May 7, 1980

Secretary's Report: The festivities commenced at 6:30 and 71 people (including 4 guests) showed up in time to mingle, exchange greetings, enjoy a cocktail or two, and by 7:30 the attendance settled down in their reserved seats to have dinner in the continuing ambience of friendship and conviviality.

The program for the evening opened with Program Chairman Mike Manchester assisted by Cathy Robinson, in the calling of raffle ticket numbers for the winners of prizes. For this part of the fun, we thank the following merchants -- and recipients, who were:
  • A 16's multiple-use two water bags went to Betsy Stewart and Jon Lutz
  • Tex's $25 Gift Certificate went to lucky Gene Olson
  • Dolt's daypack went to AnnaLou Pinson
  • Dolt's other daypack went to Marianna Dembinski
  • A book donated by Henry Heusinkveld, as yet unpublished, went to Lea Blauvelt ("The Corner Post")
  • Pat's Store donated the door prize: a lightweight stove won by Steve Langley.
Afterward Chairman McRuer took the floor to welcome the assembly and then presented a summary of accomplished goals by the past Management Committee, among them: a full season's trip schedule ably led by competent and experienced leaders, and thanks to the efforts of Vice-Chairman Bill Russell, the updating and completion of the peaks list as well as its climbing reclassification.* The Chairman then called for those trip leaders present that led a trip during the past season, and also called for those holding emblem status, to stand up and be cheered. After a tremendous ovation, he led a salute to the beautifully displayed DPS emblem flag. Another thunderous applause went to Cuno Ranschau in recognition of his 3-list one-day finishing feat.

In his inimitable, erudite and witty style, Chairman McRuer continued the program and outlined the Section's policy, particularly on safety and its recommendations on the use of all available resources for the preservation of life and limb versus that of car and its tires; he expounded on the forever looming DPS "syndrome" that characteristically afflicts DPS Management Committee members, who nevertheless undauntedly manage to carry out their assignments to an "all is well that ends well" conclusion. After reminiscing on his glorious past year as Chairman, and expressions of thanks to outgoing committee members, the Chairman gave the floor back to Mike Manchester who offered a dissertation to ferret that certain someone out of the . . . "c1oset"?? who else, but our perennial Sage Editor, Barbara Reber, who was presented with a Navajo Indian artifact gift in behalf of the Section and in appreciation of her long-term continued efforts in the publication and mailing of the Section's Newsletter.

A quickstep on to the stage again, and Duane McRuer presented the newly elected DPS Chairman, Barbara Reber, who quickly accepted the illustrious post, and even more quickly announced the slate of officers and their related and non-related qualifications to fill in the

*Including the latest addition, Moapa peak.
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