back to a campsite at 13.3 miles. It was very pleasant that night, except for the five freight trains that thundered by. The next morning the four of us, in Elliot Snyder's van once more, drove through the water, which was only 8 inches deep, under the RR bridge at 14.8 miles, and up to the borrow pit at 19.4 miles. The side road up the wash to the E went as Wes described it; we stopped at 6.1 miles from the main road, about a quarter mile short of his stopping point. We followed Wes' climbing route to the peak, but deviated from it on the way back to avoid some of the ups and downs along the ridge. From the peak we followed the ridge WSW, over 6211' to the second saddle at 5680'+, contoured around to the ridge going NW, followed it to the saddle at 5560'+, then to the ridge running parallel to and N of the intermittent stream shown on the topo (Rox NE 71/2'). When we approached the cliff around 5000' we saw three bighorn sheep. By dropping down on the N side of the ridge we were able to pass the cliff, and then we went along the ridge back to the van. We started hiking at 10 am, reached the peak at 2:30 pm, and were back at the van at about 5:15 pm. From there we drove back the way we had come. It was a good trip, with three nice peaks, and the weather was good after the first day.
  Dick Akawie


We finally found the right road (Granit View Dr) to Tuttle Creek and with light backpacks Doug, Don, and I were off at 8:00. The trail goes up the south fork. Past the stone building it is a use trail which is easy to lose. Farther up a lot of boulder whacking has to happen. The final approach is up the chute between laConte pinnacle and Corcoran where 6" of new snow was waiting for us. By late pm we were in shouting distance of the summit.
At midnite came the cry, and I must say I have never had such a trivial climb from base camp. We were on top at 12:07, but there was no register anymore. The sharkstooth to the south was gleaming in the full moonlight.
We packed out in this same light and arrived at the car at 5:00. After breakfast in Lone Pine we headed east and parked rather low on the Long John Canyon road. From there Doug and I started at daybreak (6:20) on up the road. It's a long roundabout route to the peak and my energies began to wane significantly. After lunch it was the final push to the summit of New York Butte. At 5:00 we were back at the car.
After a quick dinner in Lone Pine, Don drove us south to the town of Red Mountain on hwy 395. A tenuous road goes east about a half mile and from there on it's--break out the flashlights. I thought we were heading for the ridge to the north of the peak but, instead, we were going directly for the peak. We were on top at 9:00 pm where Doug and Don broke out the champagne and the SF mint ice cream bars and we had our little celebration with the moon slightly above the eastern horizon.
So with three hours to spare I had finished the SPS, DPS, and HPS lists on the same day with 15000 gain for the weekend. However, I hope there will be many more peaks to be climbed in the future.
  Sierraly,    Cuno Ranschau
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