June 15, 1951

Dear Desert Peaker:

Have you obtained your tickets yet for the TRIENNIAL DINNER on June 24th at the Rainbow Angling Club in Azusa? You don't want to miss this sociable occasion where you will see many of the DPS group you haven't seen in a long while. So be sure to make your reservations by June 20, when Henry Greenhood has to notify the Club exactly how many will be at our gathering. The $3.00 charge per ticket is a bargain for the kind of a dinner the Club serves and the pleasant outdoor surroundings, not to mention the evening's diversions. You can obtain your tickets from any member of the Banquet Committee or from Section Officers.

We want to leave some surprises in the diversion arrangements for the Dinner. However, I do want to tell you what an interesting person we have as a guest speaker in Mr. H. A. Edwards. He is a notable painter, being staff artist for the Southwest Museum. Having spent much time in Mexico and the Indian Country, Mr. Edwards is eminently qualified to talk to us about the Havasupi Country. His background includes much activity in the field of archeology, and he formerly was the owner of the Antelope Valley Museum near Palmdale.

CONGRATULATIONS TO MARIE SMITH AND ROSEMARIE BALSAM for becoming emblem members of the DPS. They achieved this lofty estate by virtue of conquering massive New York Butte as members of an outlaw party on the week-end of May 12-13. In addition to the two above, the party included Eleanor Smith, Lloyd Balsam, and the Deans, Marion and Willard. Their route was up the popular trail from Dead Mule Springs, involving back-packing as far as the Vergess Mine. Like so many climbing N. Y. Butte for the first time, Marie was much impressed with the tremendous view of the Sierra Crest, White Mountain and the Saline Valley and was confused with the illogical placement of the cairn on a nob other than the obvious high point bearing the survey marker. Their trip was made more interesting through meeting Mr. Shannon, the new owner of the mines in the area, who told of his desert mining experiences. They also met Henry, the caretaker, who is changing the face of the landscape at the spring by starting a little irrigated garden. For my part, I'll believe it when I see it!

Bill Henderson led his favorite kind of trip the week-end of May 26-27: an EXPLORATORY EXPEDITION to the Ivanpah and Castle Mts. near the California-Nevada line on the road to Las Vegas. The weather was more than a little warm, but all ten participants felt the trip well worth while. Bill carried a full passenger list in his truck and the Van Pappelendams took their car to round out the party. A visit to the N. Y. Mts. had been planned, but an unfriendly gate marked "No Trespassing" caused them to leave that range for another time. In the Castle Mts. their objective was a steep volcanic plug called Hart Peak which had to be circled and ascended from the back side because the front was too precipitous. Kessler Peak in the Ivanpah Mts. was climbed as per schedule. Unfortunately your writer failed to absorb all the facts which made Bill so enthusiastic in relating the interest of this trip. But maybe we can all better visualize its attractions at the next DPS Dinner Program at Boos Bros. On
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