The Desert Sage
"I have a remedy which I borrowed of a Scotch professor. He taught me to pour whiskey into my socks instead of down my throat, making the foot, shoe and sock yielding and pliable. I give this as a sovereign preventive of sore feet."



Renewa1s are now due and past due for membership in the Desert Peaks Section. This the last issue of the newsletter you will receive if we do not receive $3.00. Please make checks payable to the Desert Peaks Section, Angeles Chapter. Please note membership cost increase to $3.00 per year.


I would like to thank all of you that have contributed to the newsletter this past year. In order for the newsletter to be successful the editor needs the cooperation of all. Please continue to send in the many and varied articles as in the past year to The Desert Sage.
I also would like to apologize to Barbara Lilley for reprinting a 20 year old error that was in an article on Big Picacho.


According to J.R.Penny, BLM California Director, the revisions of the origina1 vehicle program are designed to bring the desert vehicle management program into conformity with the new nationwide off road vehicle regulations for national resource lands; to provide an improved definition of "existing roads and trails" for the desert; and to fully implement the desert vehicle program. The revisions to the program became effective Nov. 1, 1974.
The following definition was developed after review of all the comments and suggestions:
"Existing vehicle routes are those established before Nov. 1, 1973, with significant surface evidence of prior vehicle travel and a minimum width of two feet, widening or extending of these routes is prohibited. If nature eliminates portions it does not exclude vehicle use." The new national regulations that went into effect May 15, 1974, require that, all off-road vehicles are to be covered by the program. Miners and prospectors are not exempt from the regulation.
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