DPS Newsletter

"The finest workers in stone are not copper or steel tools, but the gentle touches of air and water working at their leisure with a liberal allowance of time."



The new DPS management committee held its first meeting recently where several items of interest were discussed. The first and most exciting is that we are holding a contest to find a more colorful name for our bi-monthly publication. The winner, in addition to having a lasting place in the DPS history annals, will receive an extra bonus of 1 pound of pure sage honey/////// (Having never tasted the stuff, I can't say if this is good of bad; Paul Lipsohn assures us that it is a true desert product.) So get your entries in to any member of the management committee by September 10. The winner will be announced at the October Social Meeting.
Like everyone else, inflation has hit the DPS section, so that on Jan. 1, l975 the subscription rate for the newsletter will be increased to $3.00 per year. Peak lists will now cost 25¢. A current peaks list will be sent out annually to all members of the section.
On a trip that I led earlier this year I was appalled by all the garbage that I saw at our campsite. It was mostly little stuff, cans, broken glass, papers, etc. While just sitting around shooting the breeze, I noticed one couple in our group taking some plastic bags out and gathering up some of the litter. Unfortunately they had no more bags so the cleanup operation was somewhat limited.
As an experiment this year, we will be giving trip leaders about 25 twenty gallon plastic garbage bags to hand out to trip participants. If each person on a trip would spend just 15 minutes at their camping areas gathering up litter it would make the desert a little cleaner for all of us.
(Ed. Comment, If a more suitable name for the Newsletter is not found, we may vote to retain the current name, the DPS Newsletter.)


Upon being elected DPS Sec-Treas I acquired the sections historical documents. Some of the gems ere articles on Picacho del Diablo. This issue is devoted to climbs of Picacho del Diablo. Unfortunately several articles can not be reprinted as they were mimeographed and do not photocopy.
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