DPS Newsletter

Pico at Fairfax


Colorado and Utah at Arizona and New Mexico

Our ilLEStrious leader has seen fit to miss not only the deadline but press time as well so I will use his space to inform all you happy listeners that those of you with a red asterisk on his or her mailing label will cease to exist with this issue. As of November 10, Ed Treacy had not received your $2 subscription fee which, incidentally, is a requirement for membership in the DPS.


Is it true that Les and Vice Chairman Paul Lipsohn have run away together? In addition to no write-ups, neither has renewed his subscription and when last seen, Les' Bug and Paul's Bus were being very friendly.

Is it true that before his disappearance Les had been dabbling in psychology? The most recent of Les' Lines are:

   A schizophrenic is never alone.

   You think Oedipus had a problem, Adam was Eve's mother.


New Members

Charles Britton
Phil Bruce
Robert Ellhamer
Harold Groff
May Heishi
James Jones
Darryl Kuhns
Larry Lisk
Susan Lynch
Joe McCosker
Bill Newton
William Stauffer
Roy Ward
W. E. Wilsoncroft
New Emblem Holders

Frank McDaniel
Rod Fracisco
Barbara Magnuson

Recycled Members

Pat Donegan
Ken McNutt
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