Chemeheuvi Peak, Stepladder Mountains11-Jan-92By: Bill T. Russell |
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Twenty five of us started from the trail head given in the Peak Guide and climbed Chemeheuvi in about three hours. We ascended the ridge to the west of the main gully, went to the saddle NW of the peek and then on up the peak. We descended via the main gully and agreed that up one way and down the other was a good way to go. We then caravaned to hwy 95, south a bit to Turtle Mtn Road, west on it for about ten miles and then north on the faint road for Stepladder. We went on this faint road for about 0.8 mi where we made camp at a large pleasant flat area. We had a social period, then dinner and a good campfire. The trip had the theme of a reunion of old timers so we spent some time talking of old times. We had nine list finishers and four DPS chairs, long time members and first time DPSers. Mary Ann Campbell was awarded the cholla award as the person who became most intimate with a jumping cactus. Henry Heusinkveld was given the ocotillo award for being strong, tough and friendly. Rudi Nageli, from Switzerland, received a sprig of desert edelweiss (creosote bush) as a reminder of home. Sue Wyman played her guitar and led us in singing those good old DPS songs. Sunday morning we left the three street vehicles at camp and drove north in beck road vehicles to the Stepladder jump off. The climb went well but there was a strong cold gusty wind that we wished Weren't. Twenty-three people made the summit by the Peak Guide route. We left a new register can and book on Chemehuevi and closed the original book. Stepladder has the original top spiral book in a bend aid can. A new container and book are needed but leave the old book there! It would be good to carry some heavy paper and a stapler to repair these original books. Participants:
Bill T Russell | ||
Detailed information for visiting one or more peaks mentioned in this article can be found in the Desert Peak Section Road and Peak Guides | ||
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