Mount Dubois, Montgomery Peak, Boundary Peak


By: Fran Smith


After a phone call Thursday to the White Mtn. Forest Station predicted snow on northern White Mtn. Range, this outing was ready to be canceled. Another call to a SC weather prophet resulted in more optimistic feelings. The leader decided to go ahead and see. Result---perfect weekend for climbing.

Following a 7:00 AM meeting, nine true hiking enthusiasts caravaned in three cars to the roadhead on Middle Creek. We started towards a ridge which reaches the Dubois plateau about halfway between Dubois and The Jumpoff. Time consuming with over 5000' altitude gain, a considerable amount of contouring was needed. Some was easy going on large rocks, some was tiring due to the scree. Seven hiked (minus packs) the plateau to Dubois. They were not confident this rock pile was Dubois, hut having checked other rock mounds without finding a better substitute, were satisfied.

The leader and one very tired hiker went north a mile to The Jumpoff and set up camp at dusk. Three of the seven joined up an hour later, while four camped a mile farther back. Camping at l3,500' gave us high winds and temperatures below 20° during the night.

With the dawn came the vision of the objectives of the day. Down 1300' to a saddle, up 1200' of rugged ridge to Mt. Montgomery, down a really rugged 650' to the Boundary saddle, an easier 300' gain to Boundary Peak, then back to the cars. It was mostly slow going (with backpacks) but a good test of mountain hiking endurance (death marching?), even for our one woman, Barbara Reber. All made the traverse safely, including a bad quarter mile of brush and thicket by a stream leading into Middle Creek, The leader apologized for this because he knew of it and had not programmed it into the trip. There it was. Oh well, everything does not always turn out as planned.

All the cars were on the highway by dusk and headed towards Los Angeles with the one hour time change to our advantage. Many thanks to Roy Ward for his usual good help, and thanks to all eight for not having any accidents.

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