Big Maria Mountains, Palen Mountains9-Dec-67By: Dick Sykes |
Six climbers showed on a very wind and cool Sat AM to try Bog Maria from the east, the ususal route being from the west. The road was no picnic and we got stuck at three times. After some wrong turns, we arrived wherever we were, about 10 o'clock. This route is pretty well straight towards the peak, although slightly to the right up a canyon. Once on top, after no particular difficulties, we searched around and found one of the summits. This was the northern one and considerable controversy still exists as to where the true high point really is. We hadn't enough daylight left to try the south summit, sometimes referred to as the "middle summit". On the downward march, my ankle acted up and Bill Banks volunteering led to his leadership of Palen on Sunday. The wife and I left the group and sojourned to Wiley Well, where it appears the State will develop this lovely area into a Park. Stkes have been set for establishing camp sites. Folks who like the semi-tame will enjoy this area in the future. | ||
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