Porter PeakOctober 1966By: Russ Mohn |
PORTER PEAK-9,101' between Sentinel and Manly in the Panamint Range In October Bob Bear, Louise Werner, & I drove up the Pleasant Hubbard Canyon road just east of Ballarat to Clair's Camp. There is a locked gate at the old Radcliffe mine but Mr Kelly, the caretaker opened It for we when we told him what we wanted. We made camp a few miles above the mine. Next morning we drove up to a side road loading to Mormon Gulch and drove as far as we dared. The road ends at a huge wood pile, used back in early days as fuel for the great steam engine for the stamp mill at the Radcliffe. Parts of the machine are still there. It was only about 3-1/2 miles to the summit. A great view of Butte Valley to the east can be had from the summit. Portions of a road leading to the old Porter Mine can be seen to the west. Old man porter used to walk all the way into Ballarat and back in one day to cash in his gold and buy supplies. In register were the names of DPS members Polly Connable and Harry Melts. SC The return was made by way of South Park Canyon, with even more spectacular scenery plus several old mines. Two claims seemed to be owned by one Harry Briggs who has posted signs that say: NO TRESPASSING-SURVIVORS WILL BE PROSECUTED-TOO MANY THIEVES, signed Harry Briggs. There are massive intrusions of marbleized limestone near the depths of South Park Canyon, all roads in this area strictly only for Jeeps. | ||
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