Telescope Peak15-May-65By: Don Minassian |
Newcomer's Special The Mahogany Flat Campground in Death Valley Natl Mon looked a bit overgrazed Sat morn as an eager band of climbers, predominately newcomers, assembled promptly at 8 for the Telescope ascent. The morning hour was brisk and the intended brunch stop at mile at mile 3 at Arcane Mdws was not accepted by more than a few wind-breakered souls. Once around the western slope of Bennett Pk all traces of wind and cold were gone, even though ample patches of snow were along the trail. The last ascent up the lee side switchbacks was impossible due to snow conditions and the now well-used ridge route was used, even, though this short cut hasn't yet been maintained by the Park Service, it seems a desirable approach to the summit. Seventy people signed in the newly placed register and enjoyed views in all directions as only Telescope Pk can offer. Snow cones seemed to be everyone's dessert for lunch. I regret to report that our old Sierra Club cast aluminum register vault has been lifted by some misunderstanding person. Telescope seems to be a favorite with all climbers since it is in full view for many miles away and especially the late snows this season added to the attractiveness of the event. The bulk of the hikers reached the peak about noon and all were back in camp for an evening of recorded folk singing by 6 PM. Another benefit offered by this mountain is the presence of Clark's Crows in the upper reaches along with Bristlecone Pines near the summit. The full moon added to the delight of the campers and a leisurely return home was accomplished on Sunday. | ||
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