Whipple Mountains3-Feb-63By: John W. Robinson |
A LONG, HOT MARCH TO WHIPPLE MOUNTAIN (4131') 18 hardy hikers assembled Saturday afternoon and evening at a sandy spot near Chambers Wells bent on an expected "death march" up distant Whipple Mtn. It was ten years to the month since John Del Monte led the last DPS group up this DPS qualifier. Thanks to some intensive map scrutiny, the group was able to locate a route that chopped over an hour off the standard time for the ascent. This was done by caravaning over a poor but passable desert road to a spot about two miles southeast of Chambers Wells (see map next page). The route traversed northeast over several minor washes to the large wash that leads right up into the range's heart from the south. Climbing out of the upper end of this wash the group arrived near the top of false summit no. 1. From here it was a northward ridge traverse over false summit no. 2 and then, finally, the true summit. The weather was unusually hot for February, and water was in short supply. A fine view of over 50 miles of the Colorado River was enjoyed from the summit, along with a desert peak panorama that extended south to Castle Dome, west to Eagle, and north to Providence. The 16 who reached the top were leaders John Robinson and Harry Melts, Siina Melts, Vern Jones, Arky Erb, Frank Hoover, Phil Clayton, Ernie Spiehler, Gene Gail, Larry Gail, Ralph Shankland, Bill Clifton, Paul Nelson, Norm Saraceno, Harold Dunn, and Ted Liston. | ||
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