Glass Mountain Ridge


By: Bob Bear


Last year's scheduled climb of Glass Mtn. got as far as the end of the road (with considerable difficulty due to mud), and then had to be cancelled when heavy snowfall threatened to maroon the group.

But this year, on May 4, Ralph Merten, assisted by Frank Ewing, aranged perfect weather and led 15 Desert Peakers on a successful ascent of Glass Mtn. Camping Saturday night on Hot Creek (after most of the group had climbed San Joaquin Mtn. with the SPS), they drove to north of Benton Crossing Sunday morning and started climbing at 8:00, and were on the summit by 12:00. About two-thirds of the climb was on hard-packed snow, Glass Mtn. has a twin summit, but previous groups have applied the mountaineer's infallible rule and climbed the farther of the two. This time a sceptic climbed both and determined by altimeter measurements, and by noting which peak had the Geological Survey benchmark, that the nearest peak was the highest! On the way down, the famous scree slope was found covered with snow and provided a never to be forgotten continuous glissade losing nearly a thousand feet of elevation. The glissade alone was said to be worth the entire trip.

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