Monument Mountain


By: John Delmonte


Led by Willard Dean on February 16th and 17th, the Desert Peaks trip to Monument Mt. proved to be an interesting and highly enjoyable trip. A clear week-end enabled the party to enjoy the cool, but beautiful desert atmosphere. On Saturday, the group assembled in the vicinity of Cottonwood Springs. by nightfall some 30 people had collected, including the younger Bears, Deans, and Delmontes. Spirited singing by Marie and Eleanor Smith enlivened the evening campfire.

Early next morning the cars caravaned across a rough desert road towards the Hexie Mtns., and a favorable ridge that Willard had scouted for the trip. About 24 made the ascent in about 2 hours over a trailless, but easy route. Snow-capped San Jacinto and San Gorgonio provided a lovely background. Among the old-timers were Bill and Betty Crookston, and Walter and Bernice Heninger, though many new faces made their initial appearance on a D.P.S. trip.

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