Mount Dubois, White Mountain Peak1-Jul-50By: Bill Henderson |
The White Mt. Range. July 1,2,3,4. Yes, all 4 days were necessary too! Despite warnings of an extremely dry year, the 16 persons who backpacked from Post Meadow to the ridge on Saturday were happy to find many streams. Four plentiful streams flowed thru Post meadow alone. Because of the length of the backpack in,(7 hours) White Mt. was attempted by two hikers on Sunday while the remaining party established the base camp and relaxed. Base Camp was in high meadow country at a large fringe of timber beside Cabin Creek. (2 hours traveling time below the ridge to Du Bois, called Pellisier Flats. John Del Monte and Alden Hilton returned from their climb of White Mtn. at 9:00 P.M. Climbing time: 14 hours. Terrain: high meadowed ridges with intervening knolls. One rock climbing spot made contouring necessary. Comment: rugged, but very interesting. It was decided that all would do Mt. Du Bois the following day, Sunday. Mt. Du Bois Climb had 12 persons reaching the peak - all that started at 3:00 A.M. They were: Walter Henninger, Alta Van Pappelendam, Fritz Sloman, John Del Monte, Niles and Louise Werner, Marie Smith, Dick Dodds, Ralph Harlow, Glen Warner., and Margaret and Bill Henderson. A late moon shone upon the hikers until the ridge and sunrise were reached simutaneously. 2/3's of the elevation was gained up steep grassy slopes, spring infiltered, before sunrise. For the remaining 6 hours, only a gentle rise of 1600' elevation was necessary to reach the summit. A large cairn indicated that one hiker reached the top in 1948, and one in 1949. The entire length of Pellisier Flats was covered during the climb. It is a tremendous moss and flower-covered broad ridge. Snow banks lay against the east ridge, the tops of which were pocked by snow cups. The deep valley of Fish Lake Canyon in Nevada and Owen Valley and the Sierra panorama were constantly with the group. At least five rock huts without roofs were on the long twisting ridge. On one of the two gentle knolls at 13,500' numerous Indian arrow heads and scrapers were found, as well as lower on the flats. Obsidian had been used, presumedly from Glass Mtn., visible far below. A field of Polimonium was growing at 13,500'. Most of the flowers on lower meadows had been kept "clipped" by high-altitude cattle. An early morning backpack out to the truck was accomplished before 7:30 A.M. | ||
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