Clipper Mountains, Marble


By: Maris Valkass


The Desert Committee led this trip under the leadership of Jim Schoedler, and assisted by M.V. The participants were John McCully, Carol Smetana, Anna Valkass, Wendy Ruess' brother, Christine Mitchell, and Ron Bartell, J Holshuh and Sue Leverton..

Last time we scheduled this trip, we were rained out. This time, the weather promised to be great. We did Marble approaching from south west. There is a fairly good dirt road for high clearance cars that lead you close to the range. We charged off, under M.V.'s leadership on an expected hike of about one hour. It turned out that the point was a false one, and the correct one was about a mile further to the right. Fortunately, we could follow an easy ridge without too much loss or gain to the real summit. Along the way we saw several big horn sheep. We descended down a different gully and navigated our way back to the cars. This made a nice hike out of this peak. Dave Jurasevich left the register on the summit, and had signed in 45 minutes after leaving his car on the pipeline road north east of the peak.

Next day we did Clipper. This took us longer than we expected, but the hike was straight forward to the summit. The weather also changed. Storm came in, it was fairly cold, started to rain in various locations and we had snow flurries near the summit. This hike would have been ok, but the proximity of the freeway (US 40) and the noise from traffic did not make it as pleasant.

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