Big Maria Mountains


By: Dale Van Dalsem, Campy Camphausen


Seventeen hiked Big Maria: Bryan O'Leary, Russell Glavis-, Suzanne Booker, Keith Martin, Hank Feldman, Edna Erspamer, Barbara Reber, Linda McDermott, Tom Scott, Scott Sandsberg, Mary & Rayne Motheral, Bob Greenawalt, Marianna Fred Camphausen, Judy Ware, and Dale van D. We took the canyon north of 2318, topped out on the ridge and contoured around 2546, did both 3381, the current official summit, and most of us did 3180 to the south also, then we went down the gully in the DPS Road & Peaks Guide. Judy Ware fell and suffered extensive abrasions, contusions, & cuts on face & head, so Dale drove her to Palo Verde Hospital in Blythe (Hopeless, they were swamped with 3 critical care accident victims), then to Kennedy Hosp in Indio, where we waited several hours before Judy had one cut on lower eyelid that wouldn't stop bleeding sewn up & numerous X-rays; we then drove her home. Somehow the bill totaled $800+, of which Judy's medical insurance did not cover some $200. An expensive weekend. She looked like she'd lost a fight with Mike Tyson for two or three weeks, but is fine now.

Somehow Sunday's trip to Granite 2 fell apart, although 2 reportedly got the peak.

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