As an example, the qualitative value of the small Natural Bridges. N.M. has been lowered when the park service constructed paved roads to each of the three bridges. Prior to their road building program one of the natural bridges was left for hikers to enjoy, but not anymore. In Arches N.M. there is a high speed highway with heavy cuts and fills practically the full length of this narrow monument.

I intend to report in every upcoming issue about the current news, concentrating on a specific unit. Next Conservation Corner will deal with the present situation and future plans in Grand Canyon N.P. and N.M. My hope and purpose for these writings is to provide the information and to urge you to write letters expressing your views. your letters will make a mark. It is not always "blowing in the wind." My personal experience over the past years has proven that the person willing to write letters on specific conservation issues can still have his occasional winning round.

Harry Melts

Bob Greenawalt's retirement as editor of the Newsletter left the greatest possible void since he did it all. The new editor and volunteer typist (the latter, Barbara Sykes) would appreciate it very much if all original material were submitted in typewritten form, double spaced, rather than handwritten.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The next DPS meeting is Thursday, January 2, 1969.

The DESERT PEAKS NEWSLETTER is a bi-monthly official publication of the Desert Peaks Section, Sierra Club, Angeles Chapter. It is published Oct.-June. Subscriptions are $1.00 a yr., payable to the DPS Secretary, Ben Romero, P.O. Box 3911, Montrose, Calif. 91020.

All news items pertaining to the aims of our Section should be directed to the Editor, Neko Colevins, 1265 So. Westgate, Apt. 8, West Los Angeles, 90025. Our Section does not operate during the summer months.

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