If you were unable to be at our Dec lst meeting, you missed seeing Gordon MacLeod's pictures of a very spectacular and beautiful section of our desert. He is leading the New Years trip into the back country of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, and if you have never seen it, it is a trip you cannot afford to miss. This desert landscape is lush with green plants of many varieties including many huge cacti. It is also a refreshing example of how a wilderness area can be made available to the interested public with good unpaved roads and a well hidden campground in the best tradition or conservation. Would that more "preservers" of nature do so well.

Two new climbers have been given membership in. our Section, They are Alterio Banks 124 E, Pine St., Los Angeles 2.
William Schuler 538 North G Street, San Bernardino 10
Happy to have you with us!

Mike McNicholas & Bill Clifton have been reinstated to membership.

Ken McNutt recently made the grade by becoming an Emblem Member.
Hope we see you around for a long time, Ken.

Address changes: George Barnes, Box 6384, Stanford, Calif. 94305
Frede Jensen, French Dept., UCLA, LA 24.

The letter, directed to the Board of Directors of the Death Valley 49'ers, requesting that our DPS take part in leading a scheduled event as part of the Death Valley Encampment, has been sent. The climbing of Telescope as a yearly trek should prove to be an outstanding feature or Death Valley doings.

By request, a copy of the current DPS ByLaws, as revised and approved by the Section Membership March 21, 1963 is being sent to each member.

The Section is now exchanging Newsletters with the Knapsack Section of the Loma Prieta Chapter. We do the same with the Southern Arizona hiking Club and the Las Vegas Group of the Toiyabe chapter.
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