Bernice Heninger, Niles and Louise Werner, Muriel Pope, Ralph Harlow, Margaret and Bill Henderson, Eleanor Smith, Dorothy Campbell, Glen Warner, Larry Ames, Peggy Fredrick, Jim Bonner, Ross Baker, Andelo Millard, Burton Baldwin, Georgia White, Elgin Pierce, and from the San Deigo chapter, Barbara Lilley, Frances Pierson, Eugene Vinson, and Don Rappolee. Don Rappolee hitchhiked from San Diego to Baker, then north to a point on the highway as near the peak as possible, however, still a long ways. He started hiking at 11:00 Friday night by the full moon, and reached the summit at 8:00 the following morning. He headed down toward Sheep Springs, hoping to meet the main party climbing up, but took a slightly different route than the ascending party. He was able to join his friends at campfire that evening, after their return from the peak.
Mr. J. L. Smith, of Sheep Creek Springs, despite some injured ribs from a recent fall, came up the canyon in the evening to greet the last ones in. He was disappointed at not feeling up to making the hike at the time, but perhaps will join us another time.

New Year's Weekend - Kofa Mtns.
You will be sorry if you miss this one. The Kofa's are a very rugged range of mountains just over in Arizona. They possess a fine palm canyon which has received attention in various periodicals, and out of which we will struggle enroute to the peak. There will be several short pitches which will require ropes, but there will be rock climbers along to assist, and there will be ample time to rope everybody up these pitches. The views from the summit should be superb, since there are several fine volcanic core types pinnacles in the vicinity, such as Castle Dome and Picacho.

Mrs. Hugh Lowe dropped us a card saying that Hugh has located a 36 acre home for them in the east, and already has climbed the high point in the Smokies. We lost the card while moving to 11506 National Blvd., or would include more news of them. Incidentally, our new phone is Arizona 90816, if you have news for the next letter.
The Eric Kents are proud parents of Peter Erie Kent, 6 lbs 10 ounces, born November 30th. Hope to see the three of them on the trail soon!


Bill Henderson, Chairman
Desert Peaks Section
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