DPS Newsletter

CHAIRMAN'S COLUMN        John Robinson

As announced in the December Newsletter, an amendment to the section bylaws is being proposed by your chairman to change our method of selecting the Management Committee. This proposal, if accepted, will accomplish two objectives: (1) Allow all members of the section to vote, and (2) ensure the best Management Committee possible by electing the five top nominees who will then select from their number their respective offices. Presently, if our two most active members run against each other for chairman, the Management Committee is deprived of the services of the loser. Following is the proposed revision that will be introduced at the February 14th meeting.

ARTICLE IV, SECTION I: Two regular annual meetings shall be held in February and March respectively of each year. At the February meeting members of the section shall select from the membership a minimum of five nominees for the Management Committee of the section. These names shall be placed on a ballot and mailed to all members of the section who are entitled to vote. Completed ballots must be received by the Secretary-Treasurer of the section prior to the March meeting, at which time they will be counted. The five nominees with the highest number of votes shall constitute the new Management Committee. They shall meet within two weeks and select from their number the following officers: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary-Treasurer, and two Members-at-Large. They shall take office in June as the Management Committee and supervise the affairs of the section for the ensuing year.

The section can look forward to an interesting schedule this spring including not one but two bus trips arranged by Bob Greenawalt. March 16-17 will see the third renewal of the always interesting Martinez traverse, Led by Tom and Trudie Hunt. See elsewhere in this issue for full particulars. Those interested in this traditional that ends up refreshingly with date malts at Valorie Jean's should get their $5.00 to Greenawalt pronto. Then as a climax for the season comes the long-awaited Memorial weekend Grand Canyon traverse (May 30-June 2). See the next Newsletter for full particulars on this classic.

The February 14th business meeting at Angeles Chapter headquarters will see a new slate of officers nominated for the 63-64 season. Also, the Pinacate issue should be put to rest. Plan to attend if at all possible.

Congratulations to GENE GAIL and RUSS MOHN for earning their DPS Emblems. We now have 56 active members holding the honor badge.
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