DPS Newsletter


Bus trips have long played a prominent part in, the DPS schedule of activities. Few participants will soon forget the Walt Heninger arranged Palm Canyon descents, the Martinez traverses, the Death Valley trips that highlighted many DPS schedules during the past decade.
Thanks largely to the efforts of Bob Greenawalt, this fine and thoroughly enjoyable tradition is being continued. Last month's spectacular Hi-Lo Panamint traverse turned out to be a smashing success, with newcomers and "old timers" alike still talking about the scenic ridge hike to Telescope Peak, the superb views in all directions, the 11,000 foot run-down into Death Valley, and the welcome watery oasis of Hanaupah Springs.
With enthusiasm high, consideration is being given to other bus possibilities for next season. Bob has suggested a Memorial Day weekend trip across the Grand Canyon, one that easily should be a sell-out. Other possibilities are an Idlewild-San Jack-Palm Springs traverse (possibly a joint outing with the Hundred Peakers), another Palm Canyon descent, and, for the real tigers, a Rabbit Peak traverse, Salton Sea to Clark Lake. Any comments on these and/or other potential bus trips should be directed to Bob or me.

The fall and winter schedule was discussed at the May meeting, resulting in numerous suggestions for weekend trips. There certainty is no dearth of ideas concerning outings to schedule, but obtaining leaders for the trips is a different story. There have been few offers to lead many of the trips suggested. The most pressing need is for a co-Leader with Andy Smatko for Cerro de la Encantada (Big Picacho) next Thanksgiving weekend. Any member who has climbed the peak and would be willing to help out on this trip please contact me soon.

The suggestion to merge the DPS Newsletter with the SPS Echo was discussed at the May meeting, resulting in a tentative decision to maintain the "status quo". The main reason for joining the two papers would be financial; the Newsletter is presently run on a financially sound basis, hence, the membership felt, there is no need to sacrifice the paper's independence for economic security.

Welcome to our two new members since we last went to press: Joe McCosker of 11922 Otsego St., No. Hollywood, and Abe Siemens of 336 No. Foothill Rd., Beverly Hills.

Welcome also to our two new qualifying peaks, both suggested by Harry Melts and added by unanimous vote. They are Pinnacate Peak (4235'), in Sonora, Mexico, and Hayford Peak (9912') in the Sheep Range. Our grand total now rises to 56, twice what it was a decade ago.

I hope all of you have an enjoyable summer. One way to make it more enjoyable is to participate in the two DPS outings scheduled in June and September. The next Newsletter should be out early next October.
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