CHAIRMAN'S COLUMN        by Harry Melts

At the upcoming DPS business meeting on October 18, 7:30 p.m., at club headquarters the main point on the agenda will be the discussion and vote for the adoption of the new proposed by-laws for the section which Trudie Hunt and Jerry Keating have prepared. These new by-laws are workable, clear and streamlined; the older set were not. You will find a copy of those by-laws at the back of this issue. Familiarize yourself with them prior to the meeting. I hope to see many of you there. Besides the business portion, there will be slides (bring some of your best ones) and refreshments. John Robinson will review the fall schedule and lead planning for the spring one.


The DPS can look forward to another full schedule of events next spring. Suggestions are already coming in for some good next-schedule outings; suggestions that will be formalized at the Oct. 18 meeting. Chairman Harry Melts has offered to lead an exploratory trip into the Sheep Range north of Las Vegas with a campsite at the enchanting Hidden Forest. Other ideas so far include climbs of New York Butte (the original desert peak), Manly peak near Death Valley, and isolated Nelson Peak. Tom Hunt has offered to lead Spectre in the Coxcomb Range.
Any of you with additional trip ideas should plan to attend the upcoming meeting to present them. Also we'd appreciate volunteers to lead and assist on trips.

Oct. 14-15 Mts. Inyo & Keynote, leader Bob Bear
Oct. 18 DPS Business Meeting at Chapter Headquarters
Nov. 4-5 Martinez Peak, leader John Robinson
Nov. 23-26 Dry Mtn., with campers, leader Bob Greenawalt

 Consult Angles Chapter Schedule for full particulars

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