Do you like to sing? Or just like a good get-together? The following is from Marie Smith:

Oooooooooooooow (Coyote yell, D P S version) Howdy Desert Peakers;
This is the nite you-all been waiting for. A Desert Peakers' Song Fest so when we-all gathor on top of Mahogany Flats or in Saline Valley we can have a rip-roaring campfire because you too will know the strains of "Cool Water" and "Tumblin' Tumble Weeds". Sooo grab you Topo map & hitch your burro to the gate post out in front of the Heniger Homestead, 1442 Mount Pleasant, Los Angeles, (near York Blvd.) & if you've got an old banjo hid up in the attic, dust off the cobwebs and bring it, with your friends (D P S or not) and you'll be hummin' "Along the Trail" too. It's October 19th at 7:45 P.M., so I'll be seeing you partners.
  Your Songfest Foreman, "Sage" Smith"

"Hell-Broke-Loose" Chester Versteeg is applying to the Geological Survey to have the name of Volcano Peak (behind Little Lake) changed to Hell-Broke-Loose Mtn. I have been on this peak twice and have been impressed by this splendid example of recent volcanic activity. I certainly agree with Chester that this peak, which has spewed out more lava in Quarternary times than any other mountain in this country (Chester has authenticated this from a number of reliable sources) deserves a better name than just "Volcano".


B. D. Henderson, Chairman
Desert Peaks Section of Sierra Club
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