We had a DPS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING at our house on October 24. In addition to all committee members, Parker Severson was present. Business accomplished was as follows: (1) We planned the Wheeler Peak program for Green's Cafeteria on December 6. (2) We agreed to appoint a Nominating Committee to bring in a slate of willing nominees for 1958 DPS offices at our Annual Meeting on December 6. The Balsams subsequently accepted this responsibility. (3) We planned a new edition of the Guide to the Desert Peaks of the Southwest. I can report that it will cost us $500-$600 to bring out a lithographed edition. This would be a simplified version of the State Scenic Guides written by our member, Weldon Heald.


Please correct the last-name spelling of Harry and Siina Melts, new members welcomed in the last Newsletter.
Lloyd and Rosie Balsam have moved into their new home at 913 Kenter Way, L. A. 49, GRanite 2-2031. Congratulations and good luck in completing the electrical work and painting, which they personally are doing.
We welcome Jim Foran back from two years' Navy service. Jim is living with relatives at 546 Westbourne Drive, L. A. 48.
We also welcome the following new members into our Section:
   Peg Sullivan, 2212 Mandeville Canyon, L. A. 49, GRanite 2-7922
   Tom Ross, 4020-B Sequoia, L. A. 39, CItrus 3-1805
   Frank Ewing, 5219 Westpark Dr., No. Hollywood, POplar 2-24176

In closing my last Newsletter written as the DPS 1957 Chairman, I want to thank all the many Desert Peakers who have pitched in on Section activities this year, I especially want to thank Dorothy Cutler, who would otherwise go unrecognized for her prompt and expert stencil cutting and mimeographing of the several issues.

  Hail and farewell!

Bob Bear

Desert Peaks Chairman
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