room of our own from 6:00 p.m. until as late as we care to stay. In return for free parking and the private room, they require a minimum check of $0.50 per person. Save Thursday, April 3O. The Premier Cafeteria is located at 3716 Wilshire Blvd. near Serrano.

Initial plans for the 1957 DPS TRIENNIAL BANQUET were presented by Banquet Chairman Lloyd balsam. In this Newsletter, we'll merely summarize the high points:

Time: Sunday, June 16, 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Place: Rainbow Angling Club, Azusa
Speaker: Weldon Heald
Subject: Proposed Park Including Wheeler Peak, Nevada

On April 4, at Patriotic Hall, the Sierra Club Rock Climbers and Ski Mountaineers are sponsoring an outstanding mountaineering movie, presented by the famous French climber, GASTON REBUFFAT. The latter's name frequently appears in recent mountaineering literature as an author and as a member of the French climbers of Annapurna in 1950, for instance. Those of us who love the mountains and who admire its expert practitioners won't want to miss the opportunity to attend a first-person presentation of a fine movie, "Starlight and Storm," by famous Gaston Rebuffat.

Time: Thursday, April 4, 8:30 p.m.
Place: Patriotic Hall, 1816 South Figueroa, L. A.
Tickets: Mugelnoos, Green's Cafeteria, Dawson's Book Store

PERSONALS: We welcome as new DPS members in the past few months Joanne Jones, Andy Smatko, Graham Stephenson, and Bill Sanders. Congratulations to Pat Meixner, Henry Stege, Lee Owings, and Bud Bingham for earning their DPS emblems recently. I believe a few of the hardy Rabbit Peak climbers achieved distinction with that climb. But we'll have to give them recognition in the next Newsletter.

Bob Bear
Chairman, DPS
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