Dear Desert Peaker:

Activities and scheduled trips have been at a minimum for the last two months. However, we are approaching the season for greatly increased activity of the Desert Peaks Section.

On October 6th the DPS Central Committee met at the headquarter to discuss the year's accomplishments and to plan for the annual meeting. Sec.-Treas. Kilbourne reported that we have added 14 new members so far this year boosting our total membership to 85. Also our treasury is in the best condition it has been in for sometime due to profit from bus trips and banquet. Financing the newsletter was discussed and it was decided to bring it before the annual meeting and decide whether or not to mail newsletters to every member. The matter of reorganization of the section as proposed by Dave Browser last year was again discussed and the committee voted to take no further action until more specific and concrete suggestions for the organization are presented to the section. Parker Severson reported that a few write-ups were still needed to bring the Desert Peaks Guide up to date. The possibility of editing the material for approval by the Sierra Club Editorial Board was investigated and to that end 3 or 4 persons will be asked to assist Parker editing all the material now in hand. The proposed additional Wilderness Area in the White Mts. range was discussed again. Bill Henderson will prepare a map showing boundaries of proposed area. It was also pointed out that we need black and white prints or colored slides which can be used to make black and white prints, showing why we would like this area protected, i.e., flora, fauna, scenic values, etc. (see below). Two minor changes in section by-laws will be voted on at the annual meeting. More about this item in next newsletter.

Since the last newsletter was sent out, our section sponsored two fine trips to the High Sierra. Sept. 25-26 saw four girls and three young men climbing 13,800 foot Mt. McAdie in the Whitney group. Five of them made the summit. Barbara Lilley and Arnold Shuman continued on to the middle and south peaks. The others on the trip were Freda Walbrecht, June Kilbourne, Anna Grahm, and the leaders, George Wallerstein and Walter Michell.

Another Sierra trip was on Oct. 9-10 to Owens Peak overlooking China Lake. All of 21 members were present of which 10 were climbers. They enjoyed wild grapes, a visit from a plane which buzzed them three times on the summit, and stories by Mr. Hamilton who owns a ranch at road end. The trippers and climbers were Parker Severson, Freda Walbrecht, the Bears, the Woodwards, Frank Sanborn, Jim Delmonte, Ed Gammon, Garver and Mildred Light, the Mortons, Barbara Lilley, and the leaders, John Delmonte and Roland Kent.

The Sierra Club banquet on Oct. 16th was a huge success. The talk with slides on Makalu by Dr. Will Siri was an exciting preview of the lectures we shall see and hear this winter. The DPS exhibit consisted of large pictures showing the progress of the July 4th Dubois, Montgomery, Boundary trip and newspaper clippings telling of the recreation vs. mining fights at Joshua Tree National Monument.

I wish to remind you that we are still looking for extra copies of our newsletter to complete the file of one of our former directors. The numbers needed are: #12, 13, 52-3, 52-4, 52-6, 52,7, 53-1, 25, 26, 27, and 29. If you have any extra copies of these numbers, please contact your chairman immediately.

Coming events for DPS: Nov.  6-7 Black Mountain  )
NOV. 23 Tues.  DPS night  ) see schedule book for details
Nov. 26-28 Panamint Range )

Mark your calendar for Dec. 17th. The DPS annual meeting will be held following the DPS program at Boos. Bros. and the meeting place will be announced at the Friday night meeting and in post cards prior to the date. Club headquarter seems to have three other meetings to be held there on that date. Bring any of your slides and black and white prints taken on White Mountains range for conservation discussion on the proposed wilderness area.

Wallace Smith reported that he and Virgil Lewis climbed New York Butte Oct. 9th. They used the popular backpack trail.


Willard Dean, Chairman
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