December 9, 1953
To: Board of Directors, Sierra Club
    Chairman, Angeles Chapter
    Members of the Desert Peaks Section Dear Friends:

The annual meeting of the DPS was held on Friday Dec 6, at (L.A.) Club headquarters. Following are the highlights.

1. Mountaineering Committee Chairman Parker Severson reported progress on the DP Guide having caught up to the material submitted by various members. Continued progress will thus, be limited by the material sent in. Much good information is still "sewed up" in the minds of our desert travelers and it is hoped that they will see fit to release some of it for this Guide. Correspondence with the SCB editor is in progress to determine the pros and cons of publishing the Guide in its present form-edited, of course.

2. It was agreed that the costs of the DP Newsletter should be defrayed by contibutions on the order of 25¢ per year by those who receive the publication. Accoringly, during 1954 and subsequently, the newsletter will be mailed to those Desert Peakers who evidence interest in the amount specified above. (Club officials will continue to receive their copies, regardless.) Please send your "share" to the Sec'y-Treas. who is noted below.

3. The high point in the Whipple Mountains, and the lofty summit of Mt. Jefferson, in Nevada, have been added to the list of qualifying peaks for the DPS.

4. Those assembled unanimously adopted a resolution favoring the proposed action of the USFS to establish a Wild Area in the White Mountains-to preserve the Bristlecone pine (see DP NL #28). In addition, the Sec'y-Treas. was directed to write the Angeles Chapter Chairman favoring the establishment of a Wild area in the high country of the White Mountain range, in the vicinity of Mt. Dubois-this being the wishes of the DPS as represented.

5. After some discussion, it was unanimously voted to continue the organizational entity of the Desert Peaks Section of the Angeles Chapter in its present form and to table indefinitely any action along the lines suggested in DP Newsletters #27 and #28. These would have elevated the status of the DPS to that of a Club Committee; the action was felt to be premature at least at this time. Following the above tabling action, the DPS acknowledged with sincere interest and pleasure the increasing Club emphasis on desert conservation problems, and desert activities in general-see SCB, October 1953, pp. 70-71.

6. New officers of the DESERT PEAKS SECTION for 1954 are:
 Chairman-Willard Dean, 537 W.F Street, Ontario
 Vice-Chm-Margaret Henderson, 1152 Picacho Dr., La habra
 Sec-Tres-June Kilbourne, 1924 Catalina St., L.A. 27
 Mem. at lge. of Manag. Comm.-Lloyd Balsam

Your outgoing Chairman wishes to take this opportunity to thank his fellow officers of the DPS last year for their wonderful support and sincere hard work. I'm sure you all join in wishing the new officers every success, and that success may depend somewhat on your efforts and contributions which I'm sure will be happily given if needed.
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